Friday, March 21, 2014

misc quotes

The deep, chaotic darkness, a swirling cauldron brewing, a place of mixing & waiting, the newness, life imbuing. Loving & forming, creating & molding, only the life to come knows what it's holding. So, in the dark I ponder, looking at external, internal skies, embracing the deepest lightless places for the forming away from eyes. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

She rises, walks slowly, deliberately to her place of power. She is an old Queen, a great dancer, a mature lover. Her arms & legs slowly rise into position as she begins to dance in a time finally for Kali, having danced on all her lovers or haters chests, to lick all the blood shed wantonly bringing the earth near to full death. Her dance moves deeper still into Durga to put all right that has not been right for long. She dances. She leads all to dance. She is India of fierce compassion & love. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

People are panicked, weeping, in shock, trying to flee from the danger of certain death as buildings explode, collapse. "Why do they hate us?" terrified people screech, grabbing children in an attempt to make them safe. Rescuers of all types help where they can & die, too. "Why do they hate us?" And, the world looks on, some grieved, some shocked, some approving, some with agendas & riches. And I will speak the name of your beautiful capital in near ruins in the destroyed ancient land between mighty rivers. I will sing it out loud as a prayer for healing. I will weep it out in the night spaces, brokenheartedly for you. I will whisper it in my sleep for your survival. Baghdad. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

Special needs people are harmed &/or killed everyday, often with impunity. Not many ... not enough people care enough to demand we all take responsibility for us all. When the most vulnerable among us is safe, we can all be safe. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

It is hard for me to recognize when someone is jealous of me even when it is pointed out later to me as "obvious." Maybe it's because I never can figure out why anyone would be jealous, esp. of me. But, I have heard this said to me from several persons in my past, usually just before those persons begin making life more difficult for me in some way: "Why does everyone / (names a specific person) love you?" ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

Too often some proverb or saying that sounds like common sense is offered to a hurting person with the goal of shutting that hurting person up only. We are uncomfortable, angry, put out, or in some way reacting harshly to the hurting person for daring to hurt & not to leave the hurt in the past / forgive / move on / or whatever would make us feel better. We do not care what would make the hurting person feel better. We only care that that person shut up. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

We humans do not love, protect, treat kindly or with compassion, or take care of something we hate; therefore, think before speaking the falsehood "love the sinner but hate the sin." ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

The 1st time I can remember seeing waterlilies was at Lawco Lake near my hometown. I was fascinated, of course. I also wondered how a non-fishy swimmer could not get tangled up under there - just in case I fell in the lake, you see. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

It took actually seeing the graphic that pointed out that normally people do not deliberately destroy other people, esp. not those claimed to be loved, not long back to put it together in me that the destroying of me was what it was. I mean, I "knew" & have healed from so much, but to know deeply that there is no fantasy good person lurking behind what I had endured. There are very excellent qualities even in the worst monsters, I discovered. That is the true face of evil actually. Thankfully, I have been able to remain "Daphne" as a mostly loving female who continues to learn, to heal, to grow, & to do the best I can with what I have where I am despite all. One of these days, I might even "grow up." I somehow don't see this happening anytime soon though. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

Big fluffy snowflakes fall steadily, continuing to cover the already whitened forest. Cold, slippery, so beautiful to see, a prayerful hope snow continues to fall & soak eventually the thirsty earth before spring. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

I've been told it is not safe to be so quiet, so alone anywhere as a woman, or anywhere out in nature as any gender, but I roamed & sat quietly many a place. Was I always "safe?" No place is ever truly "safe" if that means free from potential harm. I did not take unnecessary risks, used whatever common sense & safety knowledge I had, & still went to have my times with nature just to try to find my sanity & peace in the midst of a life that was less than peaceful. Nature loved me back, mostly by ignoring me & just doing what it does around me. That meant the world to me. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

I will wear a crown of flowers on my head & if not flowers then leaves; if not leaves then twigs; if not twigs then ice crystals; if not ice crystals then just me. My crown will show forth the joy of life & of love no matter. That's what crowns do. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

Learning that wanting to discuss any topic, willing to chat, & being open for cyber sex means the same thing in this messed up world of FB. Silly me. I thought discussions are intellectual exercises of exchanging info, opinions, ideas, & enjoying someone's mind. I thought chatting meant talking on everyday topics - small talk, for example. Small talk & I have never really liked each other, but I have learned to semi-tolerate it for short periods of time. But, cyber sex is just EWWWWWWW, & those who demand it & get offended that I won't do it at all while also at my being offended that anyone dares demand it of me are just creeps EWWWWWWW. Like how mature & articulate I become on that one? It was better than graphically describing the urge to vomit. *shrugs* ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

Maybe they feel overwhelmed, hurt, ill, confused, grieving, terrified, nervous, hungry, exhausted, etc. - all the things all of us feel in our seasons of life - & maybe they just "wants his/her mommy," to be comforted. We've all been there even though most of us won't show it to much of our world. Humans cry. We all need each other. The strongest among us esp. needs enormous support - so many needy folk will constantly try to drain the stronger ones dry. This world as it is run right now is rough on us all. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

Fairly recently I was asked by someone extremely close to me whether or not I regretted having had a life? Wouldn't it have been better had I not been born or had died as I started to do in the process of being born? I answered well at the time, but the fact of being asked this haunts me as much as I would prefer to "consider the source" & process it until done. But since it is from someone I prefer to keep in my life even if in a limited way, the words echo & hurt because this is an established pattern of questions & challenges. Words & attitudes hurt & do destroy lives. These encounters remind me to keep checking my own output of my tongue & attitude because I do not want to hurt as I have been hurt. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

I've been told that if someone knows your favorite books, favorite music, who you love, & where you live, then that person has a road map to your soul. I guess my soul needs a team of expert scouts then because even finding these pieces of info will not be easy nor a complete view of even a fraction of me. I believe it is true with all souls. But, in my case, I want to add the warning that there are no roads in my soul, so anyone selling road maps should be made to sell snake oil for oiling the snakes along the way, too. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

It's true. We have our own music, our own song that continues throughout our life. Our soul dances. The deep silence inside is the acoustics & the dance floor. This is joy. This is peace. This love. This is Life. Our own part of the whole that we can hear if we are quieted to listen. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

Each tiny piece of the puzzle, each thin strand in the cloth, each tip of color in the art is different from the rest even if similar. No one piece is universally interchangeable. No one part unneeded. Each fragile strand strengthens & beautifies the whole cloth. Each color reflects the fullness of art reflecting life. No one piece of the puzzle can demand all pieces be like that piece without destroying the whole puzzle. Life is wondrously diverse even when similar & just as wondrous when not. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

In my life I have broken hearts, hurt others' feelings, been totally oblivious & obtuse, been unreliable, forgotten important people/times/dates/things, said unkind or outright cruel things, etc., etc., etc. Many time I have done these things without being cognizant or fully cognizant of what I was doing. Sometimes it happened not due to my fault... or anyone's fault.... except that humans do not always mix well. When I have become aware of something I have done wrong & where I can do something to make it right without causing more harm, I have tried to do so. Many times I just have wept for being the deeply flawed human I am & determined to do better & better. Many time I have prayed for crop failures on the bad seeds in life sown in the hearts, minds, & lives of others - human & non-human. And, then I sigh deeply, pick myself up to try again to dance my dance & sing my song with more skill & grace. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

The road calls to me from birth until my death, without map, compass, or clue but only the beckoning to follow to the end. And, I go although I often wonder why bother? Some say I chose to be born. Me, I'm not so sure. But, I'm here, & the road won't let me ignore it. And so I go. It is an interior journey no matter what the other roads I also am on bring. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

An ocean of oceans, an abyss so deep with icy volcanoes here & fiery ones there but dormant mostly, rumbling beneath the deep, dark, cold waters of my soul so hidden in the crushing destruction reflected in my silent, sad, watching eyes. Then alone, scared, scarred, but non-verbal grief poured in weeping so vast, a tsunami violently flooding from soles to tears; I was labeled insane, dangerous, a liar, game player even when silent. My eyes frighten humans, some non-humans too, but not waterways or trees, & so these were my friends. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

Looking at the woman in the mirror smile with tiredness, almost weariness, except that certain twinkle in her eyes never fades. Music is felt rather than heard, a swirling of dancing, a laugh in her eyes. She only smiles; silent; her life speaks volumes but only to those with hearing hearts. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

Of all our genders (female & male being the most common,) a study was somehow needed to prove we are all from earth & all human. Wow. Next study we need is to prove whether or not water is wet. *sighs* Can we all now learn to get along & maybe even become friends? Gosh, what a crazy bunch of concepts I have... I genuinely believe all of us can do it if we really wanted to try. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

Let's dance this night of passion, an embrace of fire & love. Dance me to such shining ecstasy that even the stars sing out for joy. Dance me to the edge of madness & let me fall free, soaring on the waves of love to its end, & there die into you forever. Dance me. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

My dance is hot, & I am sexy. My art do I share. My life is my best art & most exhausting. But, I dance for the joy of living even a painful life for the vibrant, shining love that is my heart. My dance is a mystery to most, a deliberately misunderstood & hated thing to some, inspiration to many, & hope for a few. I am my dance. How can I be otherwise! ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

When asked if I celebrate Valentine's Day, I said that I surely did because I was hoping to invest in a business that delivers a dozen long stemmed orgasms. I have longterm plans for owning the joint. First though, I have to find this elusive business. But, I'm hot on the trail! ;) ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

A worker is worth his/her full wages, benefits, healthcare, safety, & dignity. To pay less than a full living wage with all of these things is to steal from the very people who create the wealth & truly take all the risks. A worker risks his/her life, health, family, sanity, & all he/she holds near & dear. An investor is a speculator who only risks money, which is often "pretend" wealth & the hubris of superiority. A fair model of shared benefits & risks would also include protections for the investors, of course, but without the over-protection of their owning their over-seers. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

I used to dance with falling leaves or falling maple seeds, depending on the season. The neighbors never said anything to me about it, & I think they might have noticed. They noticed everything else. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

The celebration of love, fertility, companionship, etc. I think would be better served by Imp Daphne Days which last yearlong year after year. But, someone has to sell all those almost puke-able valentine cards, eh? Meanwhile, I'll keep searching for how to set up my delivery of a dozen long stemmed orgasms business that sure to be an up & comer. Then I'll lobby for recognition of Imp Daphne Days. It's a whiz bang business model, I think. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

Love can be dismissed & sent away, but it remains somewhere just as neither energy nor matter can be destroyed - only changed. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

And maybe once we've learned to dance with our "dark" sides, we can learn to dance with the whole spectrum of life. You may say I'm a dreamer... actually, I'm a dreamer but even more a dancer, a lover, & alive. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

I admit it. I ate from the forbidden durian tree... or was it the forbidden grapefruit tree? It might have been the wild Appalachian paw paw even. Shoot. It might have even been the forbidden watermelon vine. Hey! I liked them all & like variety. So, I took my time. Are there any forbidden veggies I should start with next? ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

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