Monday, April 11, 2011

Now Silent

Now Silent

Stories oft heard, stories oft told,
Stories how often I said had grown old…
Now silent.
It was such a bother to listen
That one hundredth time more…missin’…
Now silent.

But, I still had plenty of time—
Could tell it myself on a dime…
Now silent.
Little details here and there
Seemed as common as the air…
Now silent.

The empty chair haunts the room;
The stories must somehow resume…
Now silent.
Never knew how silent silent could be…
When I had the chance why didn’t I see?
Now silent.

© Copyright, Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw, 2000. All rights reserved.

Never Forget: War Is Hell

Never Forget: War Is Hell

With that joystick of computerized toys,
You destroy the enemy most foul—
From your safe distance.
But, your unaffectedness cloys…
Deep grumblings, gurgling in the bowel—
Older veterans’ sentence.

What your safe distance doesn’t show,
You think everything’s just fine
Except you might be bored.
The misery you don’t know
Could get you without much sign
Until you have been gored.
© Copyright, Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw, 2000. All rights reserved.

Remember, Oh Heart, You Are Not Alone

Remember, Oh Heart, You Are Not Alone

The fire that burns inside that causes fear, that brings deeps sighs, regrets,
The drowning sorrow, the uncertain waves of sea so unpredictably below
Your life's ship, the memories play, tolling on...
Sometimes alone despite the crowd, the heart cried out, oh secrets!
That cannot come back but cannot go forward into the undertow
While the sea's waves go rolling on...

Remember, oh heart, what once you loved is ever within and around
You. The love changes form and offers more, for love is.

A lover's kiss, a mother's touch like the purr of a baby cat,
The sun drenched land, the cleansing rains,
The seasons continue on...
Today the hill has berries growing, tomorrow will have grasses tall,
The sun and the rain do not mind the change
The hill produces love.

Remember, oh heart, what once you loved is ever within and around
You. The love changes form and offers more, for love is.

Your tears may fall, your heart break, you feel all is lost,
Your compass broke, the ship struck ground,
And it seems time has left you behind...
But tides do change, are changing now,
This burning, this drowning, these sorrows, these fears,
Are but a cleansing time for something more dear...
For love is...
(c) Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw, 17/10/2010. All rights reserved.