Friday, March 21, 2014

misc quotes

Yes, I am very sexy. I am one of the last of the red hot mamas. Most people all my life have tried to tell me how unlovable, how ugly, how etc. I am, & the pity of it is that for most of my life I mostly believed them. BUT, now I know that that is not the truth about me... never has been. No matter what my size, my health status, my age, my anything that can be quantified or even talked about by anyone, I am Daphne. I am a sexual & very sexy woman... even during the many years in my lifetime that I have been outwardly "celibate." AND, I'm getting hotter all the time, dancing as I go. Come dance with me, & celebrate life, love, & joy too. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

Any season that has creative imagination involved has magic to transform hearts, minds, & lives. Luckily, all seasons have this. Some just need extra care to bring out the magic more or to tame the competing energies bent on warping the magic & wonder. I like both because chaos is a wonderfully fertile bed to plant new life to develop from. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

This is wisdom - to guard our own hearts & minds against self-importance, which is self-righteousness, arrogance, pride, & a bunch of nasty attitudes that tangle us up into bigger messes & evils we blindly "never expected" from ourselves. I look for tell-tale signs in me of becoming indignant, outraged, hurt/upset about "being misunderstood" or "ignored," or even becoming to "humble" It is one thing to have healthy, working boundaries & self-respect and another to be self-important. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

There is always something about the way an opinion is presented that helps my allowing even obnoxious ones (to me) to be heard, listen to, & at least an to make the attempt to understand. If even an "acceptable" opinion is delivered from haughty arrogance & self-righteousness, my refusal to accept soars higher than eagles. That will, actually, cause me to re-think the "acceptable" opinion to see if I need to change my mind about it. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

the honest cries of a broken heart, the true penitent, the one who becomes flexible, agile, malleable, moldable, & ultimately strong, authentic... learns compassion... it is the only way to learn it as it cannot be taught - only lived ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

The sun now begins to climb higher above the horizon after standing still after the winter solstice. Days in the northern hemisphere will grow slowly & steadily longer as the cycle of life continues onward. May all those you love be held dear & told often of your love. None of us are promised another turn around the sun, so love deeply, thoroughly, & with untamed joyful enthusiasm. May you know deep & abiding peace of heart & mind, a true gladness of outlook, & an attitude of living love in all its wondrous splendors. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

One of the most frightening of all the many frightening words is the word inoperable. More scary words include "there's nothing more we can do." For those who are helping & caretaking, God bless you. If ever I could truly have a magic wand to make things better, this would be one of those times I would like to choose. All I have to offer, though, is my love, what prayerful energies as are here to me, & the hugging by my heart from one who does care deeply. *hug* ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

And so the government wants to tap our phones, record our conversations in public places (like on the bus, the train, etc.,) read our emails, & whatever other mischief of noisiness that can be imagined. Unless the drone assigned to monitor me is mechanical only & only visits my FB wall, I fear I am not doing my duty to keep the drone fully employed since I spend most of my time in silent thought... except when singing - either solo or in harmony with the dog and/or the cat. Since I have been mostly quiet for 5 decades now (ask my former classmates on here to verify my tendency to be quiet LOL,) I doubt I will find it in me to become extremely talkative too soon. Now if they ever discover how to tap my thinking, they'd best be about it soon before I forget how. hehehe ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

It was asked - "If you could kiss anyone, famous or not, under the mistletoe this season, who would it be?" Hmm... my answer did not seem to be the one expected - Luna dog kisses me everyday, esp. when we sing her favorite song at the moment which is Lou Rawls "You'll Never Find Another Love Like Mine." What?! ;) hehehe ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

Well, all right-y then. I was asked if I had a New Year's resolution, which is a tradition I have not taken up these past 5+ decades, but who's counting, right? I resolve to continue trying my best to keep breathing as long as possible because I am very addicted to oxygen & not ready to give up this habit just yet. End of list... all other efforts this coming year are purely bonus points. :D ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

Many a seemingly wise statement can be deceptively cruel & soul destroying as well as untrue. Even a statement that seems compassionate at one time turns out to be evil at another. Learning how to know the differences & the timing takes practice, training, more practice, an open mind, more practice, & even more practice. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

Re-wiring ourselves is possible, difficult yes, improbable? hmm depends, but possible. That was all I needed to hear. You see, I started my work on re-wiring me decades ago, but I had no idea until fairly recently that this was what I was indeed doing. My internal compass, inner radar, my vision... all were strong albeit mostly a mystery to the mind or explanation. But, I knew I had to keep going... just do the next thing that came to do or wait until it came. 5+ decades later, I am still here, still breathing, & still re-wiring me. I used to think it would be so much easier if those with the equipment & skills would only just help me, but I now wonder if that would have been my demise instead. I am blessed to have been protected on this path of mine. And so it goes... onward. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

I have seen large bodies of water, even flowing water freeze. I have even seen people drive out onto a frozen river. Me... I prefer my explorations on frozen emotions, frozen ideas, frozen beings... esp. mine... in order to warm them, unfreeze them, & improve circulation. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

May I be forever kissed with a million million kisses of every sort & from my lips flow the joys & blessings of life lived fully, zestfully, juicily, vibrantly, & completely in joyful blessings. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

"So, you have wanted to learn more about being Torah-true. What have you learned so far?" he asked.
"Breath is life. Breath is what determines if life exists... in these texts as well as in current medical science. A baby's 1st independent breath is considered birth into a living individual. In a surgery, the breath is paramount in importance & must be stabilized before all other procedures or concurrent with immediate emergency such as bleeding out. Bleeding out is so dangerous because all the breath/conduit for breath leaves the body," she replied. "So, God makes human and other bodies out of earth & breathes life into them... each unto his/her own kind (still lobbying for a neutral, non-gendered pronoun in English, alas.) Life is the hallmark/thumbprint/artist signature of God. And the whole Earth is alive/breathes. Ditto the whole universe. To Life!"
"You listen & learn well," he smiled. "Please tell me what you meant by 'The Mystery' earlier."
"God, in short. More specifically, when I ponder The All That Is = the Vastness = the Mystery.... I see an ever expanding universe full of music, vibrations, breath, Life... & know that because the whole is alive it is responsive & also contemplate that there might be multiverses & other unknowables even just on the "physical" scale of things... then realize the less physical but mysterious side of things.... and then on top of all that realize god is a part of all that is & is bigger than the biggest big & smaller than the smallest small & still encompasses all.... & then add in that being a part of a body/living being - as is our world/our universe, we cannot comprehend or fully know the whole but still want to... god will remain the mystery... a loved & loving one, awe-inspiring & even more than a bit frightening... but good.... = The Mystery to me."
"Ah, moving into quantum-reality and such. May I poke Schrödinger's Cat for you?" he chuckled.
"Please," she also laughed.
~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

We need to watch the targeting of dissent, the anxiety of free speech, the obsession with consensus, sensationalism to whip up public fear/terror, vigilante mentality & actions, & labeling "others" as "different" & therefore dangerous before even listening or knowing the facts. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

Being a large woman, I have a large canvas with which to work with & to display. Sure it also means I will have enormous haters, detractors, evil eyes & tongues everywhere I am. So, I'll make myself as colorful, as joyful, as open, & as expressive as I can as any time I choose. Just watch me dance thru the fires & storms. You might consider joining me. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

A precocious 3 year old girl atop a stack of big books on a chair before the huge dictionary that's chained to the table cries as she tries to figure out the scribbles inside. The librarian finally sees her & asks what is wrong instead of just scolding the child for her dangerous perching on books. The librarian knows this is a very young reader & something is very wrong.
"I have to know what an evil bitch & whore means," the toddler silently cries.
The librarian is stunned but asks ever so gently, "Why, sweetheart? Where did you hear these words?"
"Because that is what I am, & I want to stop so they won't hurt me anymore."
Before there could be more, the child is whisked away & in so much more trouble than she can understand... & she cannot find how to stop being that thing she can no longer say for several decades into her future. Some lessons get beaten in well. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

What I find is once a man begins to explore the fuller aspects & nuances of his own sexuality, he risks being misconstrued or abused. A woman wanting to explore men's sexuality will face a lack of quality info & also risk danger from a world than hates women's full expression of authentic sexuality. And yet, true intimacy, love, & great sex all depend on us all asking, exploring, knowing, learning, growing, sharing... which we as humans need, want, desire, crave, shrivel for lack of... We want love, real love, but are afraid of being real or loving in the vulnerable places... the very places that are the most honest us & also the most beautiful, if only we can allow ourselves to get beyond our fears, our wrong learnings, our wounds. Love & Life are intimate dancers. Oh, to dance always! ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw  

All of us have good, bad, & evil in us. All of us are capable of all of which humans are capable. Thankfully, most of us will not be given the opportunity to face our more extreme evil in action, but we catch glimpses of it sometimes in the flaring of a temper, fantasy thoughts of revenge - including our religious thoughts of eternal revenge & sadism to all not like us, the grumpiness snapped at a loved one, the rejection of helping a loved one in abused danger by willful blindness, & a million other small, banal evils we refuse to look at or identify as really evil. We want to believe we are good even when we do, say, or think wrong things because it hurts to identify & name what we prefer to call our flaws, our shadows, our darker sides, or, more typically, a simple human mistake or weakness. None of are perfect, we plea & demand. Evil cannot be me or us. It must be "the stranger" or "the devil." ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

As we take responsibility for our own actions, words, thoughts, & the consequences of that responsibility, we grow & experience real liberty. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

When I was still a teenager, I wanted to discover what was real as far as beliefs were concerned. My criterion from that time on was that if it did not work for someone who was quadriplegic, disabled from a stroke, nonverbal or mostly nonverbal, & mostly alone, then it did not truly work for anyone. My second criterion was that it still had to be recognizable even if the belief was not presented in the way the vast majority of humans were comfortable with or were expecting. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

Some of the hardest lessons for me in life have been learning the many facets of self-respect &, a by-product of such learning, showing due respect. Making healthy boundaries, learning I did not have to explain those boundaries or my enforcing them, & a myriad related issues continue to be a high priority learning for me even 5+ decades into my life. Everyday I learn, I grow, I get stronger, & I am closer to real freedom & real liberty and not just the appearance of it. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

If only we humans can finally get over ourselves, calm down, & learn to see other humans as humans, just humans, we'll gain so much from each other while also helping each other be safer, better able to meet life's demands, & have so many more friends. It's just us here - humans, & we're in this together. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

Boys / men should be insulted with the "boys will be boys" excusing of bad guy behaviors, rules, words, jokes, etc. because it means we, as a world, do not expect boys / men to be or act like more than mere brutes & mindless erections with absolutely no control over themselves. I have much better faith in boys / men than that, & I do believe the majority of males are a lot better than this. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

Kiss me with your lips, your fingertips, your eyes in softly sung purrs of delight everywhere, & let me do the same. Leave no part inward or outward unexplored. Take me as I enfold you into me & show you a woman's love in the way that only this woman can. Show me the love only you know how to give. Let us write fire in our breath, tingling in our touch, & home in our eyes. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

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