Monday, April 7, 2014

misc quotes

I was told that sometimes you just have to put your big girl panties on & deal. I answered, "what panties?" It seems I have this knack for shutting down conversations into hysterical laughter & shock. What a talent! ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Many times I have felt someone holding me when I most needed it... but there was no one present with me. I knew. Many times I even knew who was sending the loving encouragement. I am always grateful. I also like to hold my loved ones in my heart in this same way. Perhaps you've also felt the hug. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Humor & seeing the light side of life was what saved my sanity as well as prolonged my life. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

Is the concept of "dress your age" really a part of the lexicon? What age? Which age? Why dress period? Well, ok, because it is well below freezing outside. Otherwise? I say if it fits & is clean, it wears. Let's go. lol ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
On a status read a bit ago, a frustrated male friend told off a more than pesky female something to the effect of the need for therapeutic f***ing. While I totally understood the frustration & meaning, my impish mind just had to wonder if there were hourly fees involved, a board certification somewhere, a need for management staff... ? Hey, I'm am imp. My mind works in mysterious ways! ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
That was the beginning of my story, yes, &, yes, those are some of the elements in my story. BUT, that is not how my story ends. I'm still building up to more elements & twists in the plot. You wait & see. My story will end on a big high note no matter what. Why? Because I loved. I loved fiercely, fully, passionately, with every fiber of my being. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Crowds of any animal, but especially the human kind, scare me & also overwhelm me in too many ways. So, when I think of mob frenzies around trivial things like shopping or even sporting events, I am happy to stay alone somewhere else. Are deaths, injuries, hurt & angry people worth it all for something basically worthless in even the life of the tramplers? Do members of a crowd ever feel remorse for their part in a trampled death? I wonder. I wonder many times & many things. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
All things, but esp. of people, ideas, & movements, must be open to a thorough & rigorous questioning & even challenging. Any powerful person(s) must be open to full discussion & nuanced, honest investigation by us all. This is what our lives are based on, so we must be diligent to question everything, think it all thru, & research for ourselves. We cannot afford the laziness of personality cultishness or even so-called expert worship lest we destroy all that is good by ignorantly following wrong-headedness. Powerful interests want the privileges of power too easily wrested from those harmed by those very privileges. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Offering my services to a younger sister who is facing some more than irritating things in her life, I said I knew all kinds of helpful, invigorating, inventive, & definitely expressive expletives. I offered private tuition, too. See how helpful I am! hehehe ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
The scenic train chugs up the mountain thru the snow covered forested hills to arrive again at the historic depot near here. It is often a coal engine which is gorgeously quaint, leaving coal dust & smoke as offerings to breathe & to clean. But still, I listen fondly because I like trains. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
To hold all sacred... my long-time life motto. It has taken me almost 5 1/2 decades to cherish the body I have because I was taught to hate me by almost everyone around me. I learned well & deeply. Now my body is very broken & struggling to live, and I am still breathing. My body is huge, too, & it is warm, soft, & mine. I am learning how to cherish this amazing woman I am in this amazing womanly body. I encourage you to learn the same for yourself. We are each of us quite miraculous. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Lifting my head I laugh thru the tears for I have tasted the knowledge that I am worthy, that I have always been worthy, & now my very wounds & scars that line my whole being are more than worthy. My ugliness? No, my beauty is in the road map of my scars, the crisscrossed lines as well as the jagged, puckered ones. My size is merely a size, interesting & unusual as it is. I am even bigger than that. My copious pains, bled from me in salty drops of colored waters, only reflect the multi-colored & panoramic view of the many spectrumed depth & breadth of my being, fullness & richness I garnered from the sacrifice meant for my being. Don't you see? What was meant for my destruction taught me love, & love is eternal. It is not defeated. So, I will lift my head to howl in pain & laughter at the moon tonight, & I will dance my own dance of me. Watch. Listen. Don't you see the many who run to join me in my beautiful dance? We're all scarred. We are all beautiful. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
They sat looking at me as if I had found a secret cabal & were late. Their bright eyes & black, furry coats shined in the moonlight as their purrs turned to words I could understand... or did my ears turn into cat frequency? It is hard to tell, but they understood me as much as I understood them for that space in time under the moon when I joined the cat cabal forever. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
We are, each one of us, needed. As long as there is life, there really is hope. One person doing even a little bit does make a difference somewhere. Do you know how long it takes to dig a foundation for a house by using a teaspoon? It would take a lot longer if you never even start with that teaspoon. So, please let's start digging. Maybe we'll find or make better tools along the way. But, let's start anyway. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Pope Francis is spouting pure Marx, eh? In all my years of studying Christianity, sacred story, sacred texts, philosophy, etc., I somehow missed the cannon of The Gospel according to Marx. I do believe I would have noticed somehow even if only for my oral comps. Man, I must be slipping. I have actually been rocking to Frankie baby's take on things Catholic... full respect where deserved. I am waiting on how he translates it into action now. But, the backlash makes me like it even more. Go, Frankie. Now about those Beretta stocks..... ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
In my vision, as it were, it is vital to build the new way of life alongside & faster, if possible, than the dismantling of the old. It must be built on the same place the old dwells. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
It is not how many times you fall, it is how many times you bounce back. My body bounces everywhere & in every way, so I got this one mastered! ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
The NSA is spying on the sexual & porn activity of "radicalizers" in hopes of discrediting them while at the same time complaining that teens are sexting less & less. It sounds like the NSA has several problems here - mostly with their own perverted viewing habits - of needing voyeuristic viewing/reading of even teens, of wanting to shame people for being sexual, & of thinking alleged immoral behavior in others is worse than immoral behavior demanded in their jobs. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
The hungry dark storm bear came in the night of my mind to devour my shreds of hope for wholeness. It was the darkening season, full of memories & grief anniversaries without grief. Only desolation. The outward bound constellation of deepening tragedies wept into the inward bound cruelties played writ large for generations. The deep hungry growl. But, no tears in me left until some ambushed dam burst the flaming tears of sooty stained me down my being onto the waiting void. Cries for help in my destruction. Clawed paw up-raised as if to swipe me down turned into the hands & then arms of a shadowed friend. I wept into the deepening dark of peaceful sleep in the knowing spirit love of a stranger bear. And, I danced with the dark angel thru centuries of pain, flowing on rivers of blood & human fluids aglow in the night. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Ah, it warms my cockles (if I find those cockles, they're fried instead!) to read of an "unusual event" incident in a nuclear reactor anywhere. It sounds so mild & almost benign. So much better than terms like fire at the switchboard, transformer explosion, nuclear threat disaster, or radiation sickness might be in your near future. Yes, so good to know it was only an unusual event. I wish all my waywardnesses were treated with such generosity. *growls & grumbles, then remembers to try happy thoughts... smiling grumbles & growls* ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
So, Jesus & Santa are both white guys I hear. Well, gee, sure, golly, why not! And, in their honors or something, I think I'm going to write the next erotic best seller - The 50 to 99 Shades of White. Everything I can think of will be included... if not I'll make it all up. Either way, it'll be a smash hit. Let's see. Do I set up photo ops now or use it as a reality surprise punch? Decisions, decisions. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
We apparently need each & every of our illusions lest we feel all is lost. Our whole lives, our nations' lives, our world floats on these seas of pretend. It is civilization. It is how our consciences don't devour us in our complicity & utter guilt. It is how we justify our lives, our way of life. We will torture, maim, kill anyone who threatens our illusions even by his/her mere existence. So, I exist! I exist to my own illusions too. Reality may be a horror show in all too many cases, but it is real & can be dealt with. So, I exist! ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
The child must cope in anyway possible to survive traumas. I particularly deplore the language of disease or disorder in relationship to dissociative coping skills. I prefer the language of injury. I believe that approach is more helpful for both healing of the injured one as well as for understanding among us all. There are so many walking wounded among us. We need this understanding. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
A brutal winter has just begun, & folks all over our world are without heat, food, or shelter. People die for lack of heart from those who have more than plenty to spare but always demand more, more, more for themselves. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Euphemistically speaking, it was only collateral damage, not as bad as we thought. That means that less people were murdered or maimed & less places destroyed or pillaged than we planned. Telling the truth, esp. with truthful photojournalism, would make war less fun & profitable because we who kill & are killed in them could smash the truth over the heads of those who make huge wealth off our blood, sweat, & tears. Our means all living on this planet except maybe those fortunate sons CCR once sang about. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Most of the time I think I am the most ignorant of all people because of the vastness of how much I don't know & the even huger vastness of knowing there is infinitely more that I don't even know that I don't know... even about myself much less everything else. It encourages me to keep learning, of course. I am blessed with insatiable curiosity. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
In my many adventures of life & in search for wholeness/healing from *ERBT (experiences of really bad things,) there was one experience of me lying just watching the mountain & tree tops. I began to float, something like the way a dolphin would swim, thru the air as it were. I felt so peaceful, alive, warm, loved, & free. Afterwards, there were many mini-tremors in muscles in my extremities. It was almost like an off-gassing of some kind. I actually heard/felt a door slam shut inside me. I know that sounds weird. But, from that exact time onward, strides in my emotional, mental, etc. healing began in earnest. I wonder if such an experience is needed to start a similar course of healing for my body? ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
My heart is your home. My time is forever. Love is not destroyed nor defeated. Love simply IS. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
For those who worry about what I have been going thru health-wise or otherwise, thank you for your loving concern. From my perspective, by comparison to all I have been thru in my life, what I face now is not all that. Rough, sure. But manageable. Even my tears are warrioress tears. Until I've been counted out for enough time for decomposition to have finished, it is best to wait to watch me get back up & keep going. You might also need dancing shoes. I tend to dance, skip, jump, & sing along the way. So, onward. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
For the record - or CD, DVD, or whichever format makes you happy - I am not an armchair activist nor an agoraphobic recluse. I do not own an armchair nor am I am spider. Just thought I'd clear that little misunderstanding up. hehehehe ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Some days are harder than others to read thru my news feeds. Lately I just want to hang my head to cry at the casual or not-so-casual cruelty all around us. Thankfully music, philosophy, art, & good friends do help me to keep keeping on. May each one in harm's way find reasons for hope & to cheer answers to his/her needs. May those causing harm... stop it! Those who are a bit of both... stop the harm then grab onto hope. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
It seems I need another clarification. Ahem. Contrary to some opinions, I am not an angel. I am something so much better - a wildly untamed, imaginative, mysterious, inventive, curious, impish, wood nymphy, dragony, playful woman. All the rest is just on reserve for more impishness to come. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
A dam is opened, flooding a freezing population on purpose. The electricity is out, too, so the darkness knows even more cold. Babies, children, the aged, the ill, the pregnant, the youth, all suffer, lie in the snow, shelterless, with little hope... while a world seems in a trance of sugar plum fairies dancing in their heads. A time to celebrate the season of giving could include compassion to the suffering we prefer to ignore. Ignoring never makes the evil we are complicit in disappear. It only emboldens it to reach further & further. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

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