Thursday, June 9, 2011

Captain Cat Sails the Chesapeake Bay

Captain Cat Sails the Chesapeake Bay

A cat went to sea
With his family
Upon the Chesapeake Bay.
His family of six
And he did mix
On that bright and sunny day.

“Let’s sail! Let’s sail!”
His meows did hail
As he strutted onto the boat.
He wasn’t as glad
When dear old Dad
Put a life jacket over his coat.

Then he started to purr
And at least concur—
It’s better safe than drowned.
“Now hoist those sails
And to the rails,”
His meows did start to sound.

Imagine a cat
In a captain’s hat
On deck of a beautiful sailboat.
Well, Sparky had dreams
He was more than he seems
Was all that his smile did denote.

The waters were pourin’
All that glorious mornin’
Past the boat at a leisurely clip.
The breeze then a gull
Had Sparky in thrall
While purrs from his throat did slip.

It was about noon
Which came very soon
When his tummy had started to growl.
“I’m hungry!” he cried
When Hemingway’s was spied.
“Dock at their pier!” was all he’d allow.

“Hemingway’s!” the kids cried,
For they too had spied
The restaurant accessible by Bay.
Turn in, the dad
With his hunger too glad
To see what the depth reading would say.

The tide was still out
Captain Cat thought with a pout
As the boat ran aground on the sand.
“Bring me some fish!”
His tail said with a swish,
“This cat walks only on land!”

Wading to shore
More fun they did pour
On poor Dad as the children did laugh.
“We can eat here with pride
Right on the shore side
Just after our fresh water bath.”

Awaiting the tide
Captain Cat purred with some pride
And dreamed of seagulls and fish.
One day to his glory
Would be told the story
Of Captain Cat and his Hemingway wish.

© 2005, Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw. All rights reserved.

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