Sunday, November 13, 2011

My Late November Wind

My Late November Wind

I heard you rushing through the dried leaves on the tallest trees on the ridge
Long before I felt you caress my face and run your icy tapered fingers through my hair.
Then away you went to rattle the limbs on the maple
And the gutters on the house
Before you continued your prancing through the woods.

Your song is of irregular beat and volume
   As you dance into the night,
Painting a picture of frost and chills,
   Of darkening days and snow-filled nights.
Of a time when life stands still.
You tell of cozy fires and
   Of stories shared by loved ones,
Drawing us near for warmth.

But your breath tingles my skin and excites my blood.
I want to waltz with you through the swaying trees on the ridge,
To frolic and romp,
To paint everything lacy white,
To smile with delight at you,
My late November wind.
ã22 November 1993,  Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw. All rights reserved.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Pancho Gordo and The Snoring Desert

Pancho Gordo and The Snoring Desert
Once upon a time in the Snoring Desert wandered Pancho Gordo, his lovely wife Doña Juana Choka, and their daughter Maria Juana Choka. They were on a misadventure in search of the city of the Golden Cure in the land of Azmatica. Their adventures are the stuff of fevered brains.

Well, Pancho Gordo was no ordinary misadventurer. No. He had a broken burro named La Mitad de Dulce and a careless servant named Rancho (de la pequeña).. or just Rancho for short. How they began their adventures is unknown, but they were first heard of in the Canyon de Chile somewhere in the vast barrenness of sandstones once home of the Azmasuki peoples but now mostly inhabited by Dinner Indians and strange alien peoples collectively known as Tourists. No one is quite sure where Tourists originally came from, but they all seemed to have strange magical devices they called mobility scooters and camera phones. Rancho once commented to one of the strangest of the Tourists (who called himself Reporter) that he thought there had been a magical cave called Vortex opened by the ancient Amasuki medicine people in Sadonut on the far side of the vast barrenness that caused a lot of grief to the natives.

Anyway, Pancho Gordo and his small band wandered the Snoring Desert far and wide, having many adventures. But, their first adventure was in the Canyon de Chile, specifically in a gorge affectionately known to the locals as Cañón de la Muerte Negro. There was a legend that an unpredictable spirit known as La Mujer Araña lived on the ridge of the canyon. No one knew for certain what the legends meant except there were a lot of sticky netting and dried bones in strange places. Not many who went to investigate ever returned, and few wanted to further investigate. After all, investigations could always be done mañana. All Pancho Gordo would say when his small band was found at the entrance to the canyon was "los huesos, los huesos ellos, los huesos secos," which roughly translated to "them bones, them bones, them dry bones."

And so Pancho Gordo and his small family group continued on many adventures, which will fill many a winter night. Until next episode, we'll leave you with the wise proverb handed down from Doña Juana Choka: no entrar en ese cañón.

© Copyright 2011, Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw. All rights reserved.
Notes to help understand:
This silly story and others in this series were first told by me to some friends when I was very ill with fever and a severe asthma attack. What can I say except I do have a wacky sense of humor that never ceases to find amusement.
Pancho Gordo: means Fat Pancho and is the name of the hero of the story, a spoof of sorts on Pancho Villa
Snoring Desert: wordplay on Sonoran Desert
La Mitad de Dulce: Half-Sweet, a play on/ reference - Don Quixote de la Mancha
Rancho (de la pequeña): Ranch, small
Canyon de Chile: play on Canyon de Chelly National Monument
Azmasuki: play on Anasazi people, ancient people, Dineh (Navajo) for “enemy people”
Dinner Indians: play on Dineh (Navajo)
Sadonut: play on Sedona, Arizona
Cañón de la Muerte Negro: means Black Canyon of the Dead, also a spoof on Spiders Rocks which according to legend, the Spider Woman lives on top and keeps the bones of her victims there
La Mujer Araña: Spider Woman
Mañana: tomorrow
No entrar en ese cañón: Do not enter this canyon.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Crusades Cycle

The Crusades Cycle

Incendiary planes captive missiles
Revengeful hate's bloody epistles,
Received betrayals, exploitative lies,
Perceived redemption in bitter guise...

The innocent get to pay;
The innocent get to cry;
The innocent, who had no say,
Are the first to get to die.

Holy lands, holy wars,
Fundamentalist ignores
All is sacred--all not part,
A living being--each beating heart.

The innocent get to pay;
The innocent get to cry;
The innocent, who had no say,
Are the first to get to die.

How many Crusades to get on top?
The murderer's game will not stop
Until the world is fully dead--
Then the silence rules instead...

The innocent get to pay;
The innocent get to cry;
The innocent, who had no say,
Are the first to get to die.

The blood cries out
From the grounds where spent...
Now silent shout
To loved ones sent....

The innocent made to pay;
The innocent made to cry;
The innocent, who had no say,
Were the first who got to die.

Copyright 2001, Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw. All rights reserved.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

My Playful, Impish Quotes

My Playful  Impish Quotes
Warning: you have all been officially taken as prisoners in my heart, and I threw away the keys. So, there will be no escape or jailbreaks! lol *hug* ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

When the imp was asked if there was anything she really like to have, she replied, "Gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight..." Ah, that imp! hehehe ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
The imp has decided not to remove any more house spiders but rather to give them all full-time jobs to make the house ready for Halloween. She also likes the Lily Munster look. Of course, the imp should be fired as a housekeeper. hehehe ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
The imp says the chemical formula for holy water is H2OMG ... and is "improved" with good cognac (or raki if Turkish, beer if German, saki if Japanese, ...) by certain "holy" types. hehehehe ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
The imp has a new favorite word in this world & declares this month to celebrate it-- Uuuuuffffff! Month is now in progress. hehehehe ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
While playing Wordscraper with some friends, the one who wins the previous game starts the new one. The winner is Finnish, so one of our mates said let's speak dirty in Finnish to encourage the winner. I wrote "likainen" (dirty). I like to be compliant where I can be, you see. hehe ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
I don't mind visions of sugar plums dancing in my head as long as the Sugar Plum Fairy also brings baklava with her when she visits. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
When asked by a friend who would I like my celebrity lover for the day to be, I asked why a celebrity & does this person have to be currently living? I guess that was a wrong answer. So, I boldly continued to say, well, for today I think I would choose Enoch because he lasted longest & really knew how to take off into the heavens. I somehow think this was also not the right answer. LOL ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
I could not stop for death & still won't! The imp wants mischief, the dragon feeding, the nymph a laurel tree to tend, a broom needing off the pink potion, a magic carpet to clean, breathing still to do, friends to love, & a beloved to thrill well past ecstasy. Schedules! Mustn't interfere with mine! lol ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
19/01/11This is a test of the Emergency Imp System. The imp in voluntary cooperation with other fun lovers has developed this system to keep you informed in the event of a lack of impishness. If this had been an actual emergency, you would have been instructed to apply immediate fun & chocolate. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Reminding you all that you have been taken prisoner in my heart & that I threw away the key. So, there will be no escaping or jailbreaks. Nope. You'll just have to get used to being loved by me forever. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Imp's chain status naughtiness: I might not be your 51st, 72nd, or even 103rd choice, but I am here & still breathing. I don't pretend to be an angel, because I am great at being an imp. I might do somethings mischievously, but, I am an imp. So, what did you expect? nenner nenner :P ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
The imp's silly advice for the day: Don't count your cows until the eggs come home because you can't make them drink water. hehehe ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
I was asked how many languages do I speak or at least read well. Hmm. I know I speak fluent female. Does that count? hehe ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Do I like Valentine's Day? Sure. Any day that reminds me of chocolate can't be all bad, right? LOL ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

Valentine's Eve is not too early to begin celebrating chocolate! I think we need the spirit of chocolate in our hearts all year round! For we need a little chocolate right this very minute; chocolate in the hallways, chocolate on the stairways. We need a little chocolate now. hehehe ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
While having a discussion on modesty, ladylike behavior, & the art of being a good woman, I was exactly how old I was. I was then told I should have been born a few centuries ago. *sighs* Well... All I can say is ... I look VERY good for a several 100s year old woman! ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
I'm your friend, so I want to learn the song in your heart & sing it back to you when you forget the words. I'll just sing "la la la" on those parts. You don't mind I sing a bit off key, maybe a bit flat, even maybe in a minor key sometimes, perhaps syncopate the beat, or jazz it up a bit? Just trying to be helpful, you see. ~ The Imp a.k.a. Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
If I put purple, green, & golden yellow feathers in my hair, draped myself in tons of beads, painted a Cajun queen mask over my eyes, & danced to soca, calypso, samba, etc., would you notice that my shoes did not match? ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Since many of you have expressed interest in knowing more about me and since I tend to think I talk too much already, here is your chance to "friend interview" me. Ask me what you will... even very silly questions. I will see how or if I can answer. No one can be too sure what an imp will say or do... or not say or do, of course. Shall we have some fun then? Ask away. LOL ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Spam Re-post: *ALERT TO ALL FRIENDS* check your profile wall for a video of 2 naked guys. hackers have hacked into friends account's & are posting it on everyone's profile wall of all their friends: check your profile wall for hacker's post & remove them and report as spam-- I am protesting because I am being discriminated against-- no naked guys yet on my wall, & I have been watching for them, too. :P ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
My beautiful NameTwin Daphne Silvermyst Wilson says "Uh oh... the little devil from my left shoulder & the little angel on my right shoulder are arguing again...this can't be good fight! fight! fight!" I say "whichever one offers the most fun should win! fight fight fight!!" lol ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
The last time I was in intensive care, I pretended to pole dance with the IV pole & other impiness. All, even the doctors despite themselves, just kept bursting out laughing at my antics. One kept saying he would never believe I was the most dangerously ill patient on the floor if he did not see my charts with his own eyes because I was just too lively & naughty. Hey, it works so far. hehehe ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
A friend just reminded me that I'd better wear green tomorrow or I'll be pinched instead of poked. (Barbara Farmer Dickson) Hmm. I do need a good poking. Not as much as I need that pot of gold & the leprechaun... hmm. Green, eh? lol ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
We all need silliness in big daily doses just to stay healthy & sane. So, I say dance in the rain. Jump in those mud puddles. Swim in the creek, naked if you prefer. Chase the rainbow. Let the wonders of life & our world fill up your senses. Have fun. Laugh loudly. Smile often. Enjoy life. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
If you could ask me to write on a specific topic for a blog post, what would you ask? If you could ask me any question, what would you ask? The imp is entertaining questions now. Watch out. I sense mischief afoot. hehehe ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
If it is true that well-behaved women rarely make history, I am wondering what more I have to do to have a shot at making history. Hmm hehehe ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
I have found that the key to having a long relationship is never ever under any circumstance kill the other person. The relationship seems to work better and last longer when the other person is still breathing. Trust me on this. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

For those who understand this (for those who don't - hint: YouTube) -- I am thinking that showing off my map of Tasmania (if only I could find it) might be an interesting exercise ... just sayin' hehehehe ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
The Glitch Gremlins are out in full force right now, so I will go find work and amusement elsewhere. Your walls are now safe from the imp for an unspecified time. lol ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Wow. Someone asked me if I am always this naughty? I said no... tonight is a very slow night. Well? I was just trying to be helpful. ;) ~ the imp a.k.a. Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
My poor adik, Johana Johari is suffering from conjunctivitis, & I was wondering if that made her a sight for sore eyes. Sorry about that. I'm just a pupil here, but iris wondering if vitreous humor shows a lack of vision or if I just lack focus? Go on, tell me the truth. Socket to me. ~ the imp a.k.a. Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
My SIL Gypsy Bradshaw told me that good girls are made of sugar & spice & everything nice & that bad girls are made of Jack Daniels & coke & pieces of ice. I think imps are made of twigs & weeds & myriad seeds... plus a wee bit of playfulness, mischief, & laughter. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Do you know what I love so much about mud? It's real. It squishes. It makes a wonderful mess. It can be shaped. It moves. It is fertile. It smells. It feels so good in your hands and between your toes. AND, because mothers everywhere do not like naughty children playing in it & getting filthy. I say, let's get filthy together, ok? hehehe ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Mae West said for us women to cultivate our curves even though they might be dangerous, they won't be avoided. We don't want them avoided, do we, ladies? We want them cultivated! That's why most of us keep looking for a good plow, right? ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
When asked if I am as sexy & exciting as I appear to be, I said sure! I am alive, breathing, & female. What more could anyone ask for? I somehow think this was not the answer that was expected. hehehe ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Once in high school when asked to go on a date to the worst bar in town, I asked the guy if there were enough lights for us to read & do homework by there. Uhm, he disappeared, & I never was asked again. Wonder why? hehehe ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Lee Staley asked, "how many FB friends believe in the Friday the 13th superstition??" I said, "Oh absolutely! I avoid all men wearing hockey masks carrying bloody chainsaws or bloody axes... or bloody anything, for that matter... all day long. Yep yep yep. Never can be too safe on such a day, you know. ;) " ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Since the 60s, I wanted to dress in a "Daphne version" of Janis Joplin & Jimi Hendrix. It took me a few decades to do it... a tamer version, alas. Maybe one day I'll do the fuller version. After all when I am old I shall wear purple... why not my hippie-"gypsy" look? lol We'll see. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Another fashion fantasy dress type of mine, also since the 60s, is to wear various Asian & central Asian/eastern European styles... again, my version. This one I was able to do more of in the 80s, but I want to do so again. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
I was told, "You're getting old when you get the same sensation from a rocking chair that you once got from a roller coaster." All I can say is-- I want that rocking chair! Man! ~ the imp a.k.a. Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Epicurious once told me that the problem with quotes on the internet is you can never tell if they're real. ~ Abraham Lincoln quoting from a speech by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr
© 2010, 2011, Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw.

Kindness Quotes

Kindness Quotes
Be gentle with another's heart. It is a fragile and valuable treasure. A beating heart is precious no matter who owns it, no matter what type of character of the owner, no matter if human or non-human... all have feelings. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
You never know who is watching or listening. Sometimes, it is said, we entertain angels unaware. So, in as far as I am able, I want to be as kind & gentle as I can be... not because I am a weak doormat but because I care deeply & want to show a small measure of the grace I have received in life. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
No matter how you say it, shalom, salaam, barış, paix, pax, paz, peace... we ALL need real peace now. We are all human & on this beautiful planet we call home together. Let us please learn to respect, accept, & even maybe build bridges of love & peace heart to heart, hand in hand... La Shana Tova. Eid Mubarak. Blessings & love... goodwill to all of goodwill. Real peace now. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Let's not return to some olden time that is more myth than reality. Let's move forward to a time of respect & acceptance of ALL as worthy of dignity & right treatment. An equality of worth, value, & appreciation, not dependent on outward visible signs of color, size, age, gender, etc. but on inner things like heart, mind, soul, spirit. I am a dreamer. Dream with me please. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Anger flares hot, something's not right, but your love means more to me, so I keep that in sight lest I burn you and me and brings us to naught. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
You really are worth loving... just as you are, where you are, the way you are, the shape you're in ... worth every bit of love possible. Why? No why. Just because. You are loved. Period. No reasons. Just because. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
If you want to learn a culture, a language, a people, or anything for that matter, the best way is as a lover, in my humble opinion. Love what or whom you are exploring-- treasure, cherish, accept, & have fun. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Love & Life are both magical. It takes a lot of practice, diligent effort, a sense of timing & wonder, an artistic touch, & as much imagination as possible. Having you in my life to love makes it worth it. With you I know my heart can fly. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Hearts are so impractical. They feel whatever they want to, when they want to. They pay no heed to convenience or propriety. And, they are prone to breaking repeatedly. That's what makes them so glorious. They are real and never boring. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
If you ever try to burn the bridge between us, you should know I have both a good fire squad and also an excellent bridge re-building skill sets. lol ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
May I always see you with the eyes of love so that I see the best of you because love is patient, kind, generous, forgiving, grateful, rejoicing, fun, healing, enduring, and believing always in the best. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
A real test of your strength & character is the amount of control you have when you are angry or afraid. Can you refrain from lashing out, panicking, or saying/doing things you will regret? Can you still be patient & kind at that time? I don't know about you, but I am still working on this one. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
May love, life, joy, kindness, & peace be my jewelry and my beauty routine because nothing is more beautiful in my eyes than Life glowing from within. May I help you shine too, my beautiful, beloved friends & family. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
If we teach our young that it is horrible to be ___ (fill in the blank-- girl, woman, any part of the female body, any pejorative term for sex, gay, etc.,) what are we teaching ourselves?! This is hatred and the basis for violence. Wise up. Learn kindness. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
May I always have the courage to choose love & kindness when faced with a choice between following the rules and being kind/loving. May I have the courage to choose & to accept the consequences of that choice with graciousness. And, where I lack wisdom or knowledge, may I seek those but still choose love/kindness. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Sometimes it seems there is as much sorrow as joy during this time of year. There are loved ones gone until that forever reunion later. So many tears. Some even from remembered joys of long ago. Let's comfort in the joys, the pleasantness, the hopes, the dreams... lest we drown in the tears, esp. those tears that never quite make it to our faces. Please know you are loved. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
A full moon shining then eclipsed while meteor showers & snow fall, a blood moon to light the beginning of winter while silence fills the mountain in a hush of awe makes my heart rejoice as I think of loved ones near, far, still here, long gone - all deeply loved, all being sent as much love as I can possibly send with words of peace, love, goodwill, & blessings forever. Come, glad winter. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Beautiful music to celebrate a beautiful season is for all of us to enjoy. For those who celebrate, may you & yours have a safe, warm, joyous, loving, & peaceful time together. For those who do not celebrate this particular feast, join in with those who do if you can. Regardless, please enjoy the love you have all around you. Enjoy the music & the love. I bid you peace & goodwill. ♥ ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Whisper my name, reach out with your heart, know I will answer you & come flying to you on the wind with the wings of my heart. You mean that much to me. That is what love is. That is what friends are. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Moment by moment I am training myself to respect all of me as a whole & worthwhile person. I am learning to turn scared into sacred. I am learning that I really am who I am, & who I am is exactly who I was meant to be. I am learning this is the same for all my relations in creation. AND, it is a joy. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
I hated my body until I realized it was how I heard, saw, tasted, felt, smelt, & experienced life. Without my humble body functioning despite all it goes thru, I would not be here. I could not love, laugh, think, or enjoy all I have so far. So, I am learning to love & bless my body. It's about time. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Showing love, compassion, kindness, peace, tolerance for differences, goodness, cheerfulness, etc. all are peace work. Sharing joy is too. Listening, really listening with heart & soul begins the journey. Dancing to Life & singing to Love. Please join in. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
One of the highest honors I have ever received is to hear "you are one of us." I have been incredibly blessed to find loving friendship, acceptance, & belonging in many, many hearts. I treasure each and every one. Thank you. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
To Life! To Love! The greatest gift of all!! Thank you-- each & every one of you who read this-- for being alive AND for being a part of my heart now. Bless you & yours with Life & Love always. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Empathy & imagination are powerfully revolutionary, of course. Change comes from hearts & minds won by hearing then feeling the stories of others. So, I want to tell stories in every way available to me. Stories to stir spirits. Stories to bring laughter, tears, & that silent witness of knowing that here is another, not an other. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Magic carpets, daring adventures, grand sights, thrilling people of all types, new experiences... but none compare to knowing & loving you. Life & love, breath & friendship, soul satisfaction deep within, spread to all... embraced within my heart. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
To get to know someone takes a lot of time, observation, & deep listening to all the communications - verbal, nonverbal, silences, presences, absences, more. Even then no one ever can be truly, fully known by another human. We barely know ourselves. But what richness & treasures the journey of knowing! ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
© 2010, 2011, Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Quotes Reflecting My Vision, My Dream

Visionary Quotes
Women, men, children, animals, plants, our mother earth, in other words all life are NOT commodities. All deserve dignity & respect. It starts with our attitudes, beliefs, thoughts, & actions. Simply put: the power to change this starts in ourselves. Let's do it, people - for all of us. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Let's not return to some olden time that is more myth than reality. Let's move forward to a time of respect & acceptance of ALL as worthy of dignity & right treatment. An equality of worth, value, & appreciation, not dependent on outward visible signs of color, size, age, gender, etc. but on inner things like heart, mind, soul, spirit. I am a dreamer. Dream with me please. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
If you want to learn a culture, a language, a people, or anything for that matter, the best way is as a lover, in my humble opinion. Love what or whom you are exploring-- treasure, cherish, accept, & have fun. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
If we teach our young that it is horrible to be ___ (fill in the blank-- girl, woman, any part of the female body, any pejorative term for sex, gay, etc.,) what are we teaching ourselves?! This is hatred and the basis for violence. Wise up. Learn kindness. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
May I always have the courage to choose love & kindness when faced with a choice between following the rules and being kind/loving. May I have the courage to choose & to accept the consequences of that choice with graciousness. And, where I lack wisdom or knowledge, may I seek those but still choose love/kindness. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
So I spread out my dreams before me as a map to my heart's vision, trembling at my audacity as much as my excitement. Afraid? Yes. But more afraid not to live wild & free, untamed by this mad desire to embrace impossible hope & more impossible love. To burn brightly. To love deeply. To be the dream. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

Music & art are languages of heart & soul, using sounds, sights, spaces, & silences beyond mere intellect, able to bring smiles or tears to join hearts together in ways nothing else can. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
I refuse only to march to the beat of a different drummer. I prefer minuet-ing to a harpsichord, polka-ing to an accordian, waltzing to a cello, or whatever suits my fancy. Why be limited only to marches or drums? ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
While much about a person can be learned from what is posted on a wall over a period of time, it still is not sufficient info to know that person or their own personal practices/ beliefs. Getting to know someone takes a lot of time, effort, & attention. Even an eternity is too short to know someone truly, even yourself. Meanwhile, ask, dialogue, & love. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Guard your heart for out of it come the issues of life (from Bible, Proverbs 4:23; Qu'ran 28:32) - Our attitudes, thoughts, even our "subterranean" thoughts color how we see, hear, act, react, & are also treated in this world. Change your thoughts/attitudes, & it is like magic. Try it, & see for yourself. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Every day we need to talk with someone very different from ourselves-- of a different gender, religion, culture, country, ethnicity, intelligence, ability, etc. & know this is another life worthy & valuable same as we are... & Learn to communicate & appreciate all around us. Life is waiting to share joy with us in place of fears or hatreds. We can do it. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
There are no "throw away" people, irrespective of the current problems or difficulties faced. Each has a story, gifts, feelings, observations, & usefulness. All have value, deserving respect & dignity, & if that cannot be given, then do no harm--just stay away quietly. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Communication takes all of me to hear, to understand, to listen, & to know another's words, meanings, subtle clues, backstories, feelings- both surface & multi-layered depths, & intentions. It is a lot like dancing, singing in harmony, or making love. It requires all of me. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Showing love, compassion, kindness, peace, tolerance for differences, goodness, cheerfulness, etc. all are peace work. Sharing joy is too. Listening, really listening with heart & soul begins the journey. Dancing to Life & singing to Love. Please join in. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Yes, I believe men & women can be friends. It is not that difficult. Just see the other person as another human being. The differences - whether religious, ethnic, size, ability, intelligence, etc. - are to enjoy & explore. Respect & willingness to learn go a long way in any potential relationship. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Respect, dignity, kindness, hope, & love given will return to you. It might not be when you think you want or need it. It might never come from where it was expected. But, they will return to you many times over. They first come from within you & spread to cover your world. So, give exceedingly generously. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
As rough as my life can be often, it is still one full of privilege compared to so many in our world; therefore, I want my life to speak out & up for those who must focus only on finding food, water, safe shelter, & basic survival. May I never forget those who cannot help themselves. May I never fail to remind you of them, too. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Do you realize you are truly loved? If not, let me remind you then because you are a valuable person, precious beyond belief, and treasured. Oh, and I am not the only one who thinks so. *hug* ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Moral imagination, feeling with you, magical locomotion to allow a break-through. Real listening is magnetic, a revolutionary force, accepting & forgiving - a dynamic course. Empathy - seeing with your eyes, hearing with your ears - my heart goes with yours. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
May I be a strong woman & a woman of strength. If I must choose between the two, may I be a woman of strength for that will get me through everything life will bring my way. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Empathy & imagination are powerfully revolutionary, of course. Change comes from hearts & minds won by hearing then feeling the stories of others. So, I want to tell stories in every way available to me. Stories to stir spirits. Stories to bring laughter, tears, & that silent witness of knowing that here is another, not an other. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Reach out to someone, something, some place new to you & new to your way of being, and allow yourself to learn, to enjoy, & to explore. Allow yourself to make mistakes along the way as you explore, too. Smile. Laugh. Cry even. But, reach out. Small steps by small steps. There is a whole world around you waiting to meet you. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
It is a privilege to see other perspectives, other ways of being, & other beliefs/practices. It is a blessing to be allowed to participate. But, it wisdom to have the wonder, the curiosity, & the courage to accept, to want to learn, to love, to celebrate, & to share. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
May I ever be able to feel the depth of thankfulness in my heart which has no tongue but shines throughout my life. Let me dwell upon the honorable, the kind, the pure. Then may my tongue speak from the overflow of the goodness of heart. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

Now is all I have. Each precious moment by moment. Each breathe, each thought, each word, each feeling... experienced now. A gift. Rare. Unrepeatable as is. All I am. Now. I choose to share me with you with all I have. Now. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Anything ever loved is never gone or lost. It merely changes form. But, it is still there. Sometimes hiding in a comfy but almost forgotten corner of the heart. But love is still there, holding you up, a part of who we are & who we become. Love just is. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
It has been said that there is no greater love than to give up one's life for the loved one, but I think an even greater one is to live despite all & still show love, esp. when it is the most difficult & least merited thing to do. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Beauty, sexiness, desirability, respectability, dignity, value, & all the other attributes given to humans belong to us all. ALL. There is no one way that is alone worthy of love, respect, & admiration. Being alive is beauty itself no matter the size, shape, color, ability, health, gender, outwardliness, etc. ALL are beautiful. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Even the tiniest of motions - emotional, mental, or physical - is the beginning of the journey. Each tiny motion adds to the previous motion(s.) Even what seems like a fall or a backtrack is still part of the journey. So, keep breathing & keep keeping on. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
A more equal playing field has many people deeply afraid & coming up with all manner of repressive rules, regs, etc. If we are all of equal worth, then those who have relied on privilege instead of skills, connections, etc. will find the grounds shifting beneath the feet as the "enemy." Can we help those frightened souls to grow or not? ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
YES! Black, Latino, Arab, Asian, fat, tall, short, old, young, middle aged, ill, disabled, healthy, dying, ALL... ALL life, ALL humans, ALL are good enough. ALL are worthy of respect, dignity, love, life! ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
The wisest thing to listen to is what we present to others - in words, actions, silences, our presence, our absence, what we are reaching out with, our reactions... these paint the picture of who we really are for all to see. It is wise to watch over a longer period of time to see the growth, the patterns, the trajectory, etc. Then we can begin to know ourselves. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
We humans throw away some of the best treasures when we throw away each other & see another human or another life as worth less. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

Every person, every living being deserves love & respect... dignity, acceptance, belonging, safety... adequate food, water, shelter, survival needs... Let us all live, dream, work for that time for all. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
It is one of the hardest things we do... to stand up for ourselves and for others... especially when we have faced and still face such horrendous hatred, hostility, & outright opposition from almost every corner, including those wretched internal tapes that have played so long within us that we are unworthy and despised. But, we do it despite our trembling and fears because it would mean our own deaths as well as the deaths of the majority of humans on our beautiful planet if we remain silent. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
And when the weakest, meekest, most defenseless among us is taken care of and protected, all of us are also protected. It only takes a moment to go from able to disabled. One accident. One attack. One catastrophe. One illness. We are all vulnerable. So, we all need to be caring about these issues and those already needing the tools to live. Learn now. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
© 2010, 2011, Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw.

My Courage Quotes

My Courage Quotes
The butterfly landed on the conquering wildflower blooming and perfuming the wasteland of despair. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Do we ever in this life know why things turn out as they do? Some of what we think of as our worst flaws saves us much grief while some of our best strengths don't help when we think they should. Still, all works together for us in ways we don't always see. Nothing is as it appears. So, I say relax more, enjoy, & work with whatever happens. Might as well smile, too. It's free. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Some days it is harder to take than others, but I keep telling myself that I am who I am. I cannot be anyone else. I would not know how to be someone else anyway. Besides, I would not want to be someone other than me even if I could be, & since I cannot be other than whom I am, that is good. But, some days it is all I can do to keep from weeping, running away, hiding away forever somewhere. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
No matter what, the trick is not to give up because you just never know what is going to happen next. Yes, it could be something worse, but it could be something better than you could ever dream, too. Mostly, though, it's a continuation of the ordinary, which is a blessing in itself often. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
I may fail spectacularly and repeatedly on my path in life, but that has not stopped me yet from getting back up... to learn from the falls & to keep trying. Sometimes the "mistakes" were more important than the supposed lessons. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
When you are struggling to live in a good way, trying to heal, & falling down often but continuing to get up to try one more time all the while wondering if all the effort is really worth it, please know you are never alone. You are being cheered on by your fellow strugglers as well as myriad allies that are not seen at the moment. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
May love, life, joy, kindness, & peace be my jewelry and my beauty routine because nothing is more beautiful in my eyes than Life glowing from within. May I help you shine too, my beautiful, beloved friends & family. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
May I always have the courage to choose love & kindness when faced with a choice between following the rules and being kind/loving. May I have the courage to choose & to accept the consequences of that choice with graciousness. And, where I lack wisdom or knowledge, may I seek those but still choose love/kindness. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
When sadness like a shroud enveils my heart & difficulties besiege my mind, I trudge along or rest a while before methodically continuing onward with Life, bit by bit until the time is done. Sometimes it is the courage simply to continue to breathe that makes a character, I think. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
A real test of your strength & character is the amount of control you have when you are angry or afraid. Can you refrain from lashing out, panicking, or saying/doing things you will regret? Can you still be patient & kind at that time? I don't know about you, but I am still working on this one. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
I could not stop for death & still won't! The imp wants mischief, the dragon feeding, the nymph a laurel tree to tend, a broom needing off the pink potion, a magic carpet to clean, breathing still to do, friends to love, & a beloved to thrill well past ecstasy. Schedules! Mustn't interfere with mine! lol ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Guard your heart for out of it come the issues of life (from Bible, Proverbs 4:23; Qu'ran 28:32) - Our attitudes, thoughts, even our "subterranean" thoughts color how we see, hear, act, react, & are also treated in this world. Change your thoughts/attitudes, & it is like magic. Try it, & see for yourself. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Moment by moment I am training myself to respect all of me as a whole & worthwhile person. I am learning to turn scared into sacred. I am learning that I really am who I am, & who I am is exactly who I was meant to be. I am learning this is the same for all my relations in creation. AND, it is a joy. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
I hated my body until I realized it was how I heard, saw, tasted, felt, smelt, & experienced life. Without my humble body functioning despite all it goes thru, I would not be here. I could not love, laugh, think, or enjoy all I have so far. So, I am learning to love & bless my body. It's about time. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
The world needed me just as me, so I will be the best me I can be by just being me. I don't know how to be anyone else, so I'll be me by default & by choice. The world needed you just as you, too, & even if nobody else cares, I do. I like you as you. Shall we be us together now? ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Many have asked to get to know me better, & I am open to friendship from everyone everywhere. I am just a very shy, quiet, but friendly person until I "warm up"... which can take a while. But, it is not because I do not want the friendship, so please accept my apologies as I ask for patience with me. Thank you. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
If you really want to know me, then know my thoughts, see my art, feel my words, dance with my spirit, & sing with my soul in those glimpses & glances scattered across my heart & eyes for the daring to catch & hold. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
From babyhood on I have wanted to become Love, to find my wholeness, to heal from the deep brokenheartedness. It has been a journey in learning to forgive, to let go, to choose ever more wisely, to allow myself permission to just be me. I'm still learning. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Breath is Spirit is Life. It would be wonderful if each breath could be free & easy, but even if each one must be a titanic struggle, it still will be done. Life finds a way until the end. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
I raise my head up to howl in laughter, to howl in mixed emotion, to howl to life itself. Despite pain, fear, heavy burdens, despite all. I will raise my head up to howl. My heart will dance long after my body is gone for I have loved as well as I am able with all my heart. May I yet live to learn to love more. Love never dies. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Let me plant flowers even where I will never smell their fragrance, trees even where I will never enjoy their shade, love even where I will never know even a hug back. Let me leave something alive and beautiful wherever I go, wherever I am. A simple act of kindness & love can bring such healing even if I never see it. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
I am not a beauty nor a Barbie. I am an aging, larger, struggling to heal & move again, real woman. Many would find me not so attractive outwardly, but it would be hard to find more beauty in this broken body. It has withstood so much & is still here, doing its job faithfully. This is true beauty, imho. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
Maybe the reason I am still here despite all is not so much that I need to be here or that I am of a warrioress type of spirit. Maybe, just maybe I am still here against all odds is because someone(s) still need me here. Maybe just the fact I exist gives someone(s) hope, love, or joy. Maybe the fact of my life is the message. Maybe this is also true for you as well. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
I am a real woman. I sometimes scream, show fierce anger, say horrible things, weep, ache, get scared, panic, etc. I am human, just human. Some say these are faults. Maybe they are/maybe not, but it is not all of who I am. I cannot allow these to keep me from continuing to be real, be kind, & to grow & learn. I can make that choice to keep being & moving as the woman I am. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
As an aging woman, I love the charisma, the accomplishment, the confidence in who I am, my own sexuality & spirituality, my knowledge /intelligence/ wisdom, & all that I have so far learned & experienced in my life & my loves. This is real beauty. It cannot be faked nor exactly duplicated. It can be shared. Many an older woman/man can show you this same beauty. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw
© 2010, 2011, Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw.